
Did You Make Poo Poo?

When I was younger, I would make fun of adults who would make themselves sound like total idiots just to make a baby smile. Children really are very similar to a drug--they're addicting. That must be why the Duggars have 3,000 of them.

I never thought I'd be that person. You know, the one making funny noises and saying incoherent sentences to a baby. Yet, here I am. And you think I'm bad? You should hear my husband. It's fall-over funny. He doesn't make all the ridiculous sounds I make, but the things he says...

The other day, he made up an acceptance speech for Jordan, who he expects to beat the Oklahoma scoring record in basketball someday. The speech went something like, "I'm so excited about breaking this record. I'd like to thank God, above all. I'd also like to thank my parents, love you Mom. But if I could just get my dad to come up here, he's been the biggest influence on my life. I want him to accept this award with me..." I almost died from laughing so hard, and Kris knew he was being funny. Really, honey? Dad has to accept the award too?

It's even funnier when Ali does it. She's only five anyway, so it's like seeing a baby talk to a baby. And when Jordan "talks" back, i.e. making a high pitched scream or just blowing raspberries, Ali gets all excited and says, "He said his first word! Did you hear him?" I'm pretty sure she misses being the baby sometimes. She's taken to calling Kris "DaDa" and (do NOT tell her I told you this!) she asked me to put a diaper on her the other day. Where's the picture to prove it? She made me delete it. She's five, but she still has pride too!

What made me think of how silly I sound when I talk to my baby? The other day, I was walking though Wal-Mart. Jordan was in his car seat, wide awake, laughing and smiling. I was making "ga-ga, goo-goo" noises at him, not paying attention to anything else. I looked up and saw two teenage girls looking at me like I had a horn on my forehead. I'm only 23 and a lot of people think I'm still 18 (I'll be thankful for that trait later on in life, I'm sure!), so to have these girls look at me like I'm crazy was a shock; it's not like I'm an old lady or anything! I wanted to hold Jordan up and say, "Seriously? You're not going to make stupid noises at my kid to see him smile? You're the crazy ones!"

Since then, I've been a little more careful about how stupid I sound when I talk to Jordan. Well, I tried, anyway. This morning, I walked into his room to get him ready for daycare. I flipped on the light and he greeted me with a big ole smile. I could smell something funky, so I leaned over his crib and said, "Did you make poo poo? Huh? Did baby make poo poo in his diapee?"

I've now decided that I don't care. The baby [drug] is too powerful to resist; I simply can't help but sound like an idiot when I talk to my child.

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