
Another Milestone...

When I picked Jordan up from daycare yesterday, they informed me that he had been coughing off and on all day. He already had a runny nose, so I figured my poor baby had his first cold. NOT the milestone I was talking about...

So instead of taking him to daycare today, I decided to take him to work with me (as if that would make a diference!). He had been so much fun all morning, destracting me from my work, giggling and talking up a storm. I looked at the clock around 9:30 and thought it was just about his naptime. So I layed him down on his blanket on the the floor, and the kid just keeps laughing and smiling--WIDE eyed! It was so funny. I wanted to send a picture of him to Kris, so I snapped a picture just as he gave one big ole smile. I was looking at the picture and was just about to hit the send button when I noticed something in his mouth. Something white. I jabbed my finger into the poor baby's mouth and started feeling of his gums and sure enough, my little 4 month old baby has his first tooth!

I couldn't believe it! I called Kris right away, sent the picture to our families, and have been double checking all day to make sure it's still there. Yep, it's still there. Ali lost her first tooth a few weeks ago, and now her baby brother has cut his first one. My babies are blowing me away with these milestones!

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